
If at the time of delivery you do not find your product damaged or in working condition, or you are not satisfied with the product delivered, return the product at the same time or request a replacement for that product. No return for the product will be accepted once you accept delivery. However, if you are not satisfied with the delivery product, you can return it to us, but we will return it only when the product is in good condition and marketable.

You will not accept any returns for damaged products or non-marketable after delivery, or we will not give refunds or credit notes, or be liable to enter into any settlement with respect to those products for such products.

In case of prepaid item / order return, the amount of returned item / order will be credited to your wallet / account within 15 (fifteen) working days from the date of issue of return request to you. 

If you have a complaint against a delivered and accepted product, we will begin replacing the product only after our customer support executive has verified the complaint. 

All rewards or cashback for prepaid orders will be added to your account / wallet only after successful delivery. 


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